We don't need runways but we can also use them.

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Our vision is straight as a runway

We build air bridges, we fly over barriers or walls.

Serve as a lighthouse when its hard or good times and we

use all dimension that we know of today to solve any problem.

So in the end we all can have a brighter future.

Our Harpya project final goal is
You  -Me and everybody else to get a real experience in
our analog world.

Our opinion is that we have the only viable option to go "3D"

IR-RL. To fly vertical autonomous with humans

But it will take time.

Our first priority is for those who need it most. N2 is our "Eagle"

and Aircraft -serving as a tool. Its all about product volume, and safety

N2 will have the best TCO (total cost of ownership) and agility in aviation.

 N2 is the formula for Nitrogen - Air have 78%

Nitrogen -the goal of our market share.

Unique from all perspective

We will not compare us to another tech or aviation company.

How could we when our solutions both in air

and ground is unique in all aspects.

This could be our pitch, if we don't compare N2 with a superhero.

We will be the king of eagles like Harpya, and N2 will

be in top of the food chain. That's what N2 is in -

Aviation, Tech, Communication, Robotics, Mechanically.

Until this day we haven't seen anything equal of all

other projects in this area neither past-present-future

We know this area need something exceptional -

that's what N2 is. And we can protect it.

There is not a question if this will be a success, we hope that it will

not be a to big success and we are building the future "Skynet".

And that's not a joke.

That's why its so important with perspective and perception.

When you making decisions in the end.